GIGXR, Inc., provider of the extended reality (XR) GIG Immersive Learning System for instructor-led teaching and training, has today announced the launch of ‘HoloPatient Remote’ and ‘GIG Mobile’ for medical and nursing schools. Built for online and hybrid learning environments, the applications together help to facilitate safe and socially distanced standardized patient simulation training while enabling real-time interaction, engagement and clinical assessment between students and instructors, according to GIGXR.
HoloPatient Remote is an extension to the company’s cloud-based HoloPatient application, which allows for the display of holographic patients in remote student locations where they can be viewed and examined by students using a smartphone or tablet during collaborative instructor-led simulation lab training sessions. GIG Mobile is used to control applications like HoloPatient Remote and interact with the GIG Immersive Learning System, an XR teaching system designed to enhance (not replace) existing curriculum and teaching methods.
David King Lassman, CEO and founder of GIGXR, commented: ”Standardized patient training can’t be taught effectively over Zoom. We developed HoloPatient Remote and GIG Mobile so students can complete and even accelerate simulation training, in many cases meeting graduation requirements.”
With traditional clinical training for nursing students now limited as a result of COVID-19, the learning process for some has slowed, with some students even being prevented from graduating due to lack of completed simulation hours as a result of reduced access to simulation labs and facilities due to social distancing measures.
“While students are required to stay safe and socially distanced, GIGXR’s HoloPatient is the closest, highest-quality learning experience you can get to training with real patients,” said Dr. Linda Herrmann, NYU Rory Meyers College of Nursing. “GIGXR’s use of volumetric 3D video to capture standardized patients creates pathology experiences that are unimaginably life-like for physically safe and safe-to-fail environments. Enabling students to hear, see and interact with holographic culturally diverse patients, and each other, provides some of the most cutting-edge and effective teaching and training modalities in our field.”
HoloPatient Remote is a mobile application for iOS and Android that extends the reach of HoloPatient beyond Microsoft HoloLens 2 devices. Highlights and key features include:
- Remote and/or socially distanced student groups can use their smartphones to connect with an instructor who is wearing a Microsoft HoloLens 2 mixed reality headset;
- High-quality, real-life holographic standardized patients are transported to the student location during the session;
- Students can use the mixed reality features of their smartphone device to select a location in their room for the standardized patient to sit, stand or lie down for examination;
- Students can independently walk around, examine and interact with the holographic patient while communicating with their instructor through VOIP;
- Students can observe a variety of patient pathologies, conditions and states of decline chosen and highlighted by the instructor for the session;
- Collaborative group learning can facilitate effective learning outcomes.
GIG Mobile is a native iOS and Android app that enables students, instructors and administrators to interact with the GIG Immersive Learning System. Key features include:
- Instructors can create a session template of content that is replicable and can be assigned to specific student groups;
- Students can join training sessions remotely for applications such as HoloPatient;
- Data collection around changes made by users made in a session, such as vital signs and remote labels that are placed in the scene;
- QR code login for students to quickly access sessions that are launched by instructors.
HoloPatient Remote and GIG Mobile are bundled applications that are available to download via the iOS App or Google Play Stores. The apps are free to students and instructors of institutions that license the Immersive Learning System and HoloPatient application. GIGXR added that with today’s announcement of HoloPatient Remote, a discounted starter package is now available to institutions that purchase during the Fall Term. For more information on HoloPatient Remote, GIG Mobile and the GIG Immersive Learning System, please visit GIGXR’s website.
Image credit: GIGXR
GIGXR launches Holographic patients for medical and nursing school remote simulation training