Students get help with the university entrance exam, DELE, Spanish language, and Spanish immersion programs. has launched its immersive Spanish learning program in Barcelona for adults to prepare them for the „Diploma de Español Como Lengua Extranjera“ (DELE exam). is aiming to help its students acquire the Spanish language skills faster by immersing them in the Spanish language and culture.
The spokesperson at stated, „The overall objective of this initiative is that students gain linguistic competence (pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary, and basic communicative skills in both oral and written correspondence), as well as cultural competence in the target language, that will, in turn, enable them to communicate effectively with the Spanish-speaking world in the activities related to daily life.“
The course is accredited by Cervantes and federally regulated Spanish language schools in Barcelona. Language schools that are accredited prepare students for the „Diploma de Espaol Como Lengua Extranjera“ (DELE exam). As DELE has set up levels to measure the proficiency of a candidate in the Spanish language,’s curriculum is also created based on these levels. Each level has an estimated time of learning. It takes around 75 or 170 hours to reach A1 or A2. If the student is at an A2 level, it will take them around 170 hours to advance to B1 and another 245 hours to B2. In light of this, starting from scratch requires around 600 hours of study to achieve C1 Spanish.
According to, learners should study Spanish in context so that they may gradually go to speaking Spanish phrases and developing pronunciation confidence. In order to assist students to acquire fundamental conversational phrases in the context of real-world circumstances, the curriculum relies on an immersion-based learning approach that teaches words alongside visual and audio signals. also helps students prepare for the entrance exams to get a seat in various Spanish universities. They prepare students for Evaluación del Bachillerato Para el Acceso a la Universidad (EBAU) and Pruebas de Competencias Específicas (PCE UNED).