Whether you call it remote support, field service support, remote assistance, or remote guidance, the delivery of guidance from one person to another, while simultaneously located in different regions has been a business problem since the industrial revolution (and likely well before).
The Dawn of a New Era
When mobile augmented reality (AR), head-mounted mixed reality (MR), and assisted reality technologies first began hitting the market in the mid-2010s, companies and thought leaders immediately identified these technologies for the ability to solve the age-old problem: How do I help a worker fix a problem without being physically there myself?
Today, thousands of companies around the globe are using MR and AR to connect subject matter experts to workers in the field when they need help solving a complex problem. The use of these technologies has led to increased productivity of workers, decreased production downtime for organizations, and less travel for subject matter experts.
Knowing the Right Questions to Ask
Here’s a list of questions that will help you find a hardware form factor and software solution that best matches your use case and future vision of the technology in your organization.
If you want to change the way you deliver guidance to workers but haven’t implemented a mixed reality or augmented reality remote support tool but don’t know where to start, this is the article for you.
