The Accenture Virtual Experience Solution (AVEnueS) is a virtual reality (VR) training experience that makes the unknown familiar in human services.
Helping caseworkers see more with virtual reality
Human services workers make important decisions every day that have significant impacts on people’s lives. It is a responsibility that demands certain skills and experience in understanding human dynamics. That’s why Accenture developed a virtual reality training experience, known as the Accenture Virtual Experience Solution (AVEnueS). It not only accelerates the pace of learning, but it also enhances the scope of awareness.
AVEnueS speeds up this process, helping caseworkers refine their skills and become more alert and cognizant of the many signals and safety indicators they observe. It uses immersive storytelling and interactive voice-based scenarios to completely transform how caseworkers hone their data-gathering and decision-making skills. AVEnueS creates the foundation for a highly skilled workforce that can rapidly discuss the decision points all practiced caseworkers face.
Making the unknown familiar
Developing the skills caseworkers need typically takes years. Using AVEnueS for caseworker training is only the beginning. It offers unlimited possibilities for the entire field of human services.
AVEnueS uses virtual reality (VR) technology to transport trainees into simulated environments and engage them with realistic scenarios.
AVEnueS uses an immersive 360⁰ headset to help trainees develop observation skills to identify important decision points.
AVEnueS creates the foundation for a highly skilled workforce who can rapidly discuss the decision points all practiced caseworkers face.